Pulled by police for no reason

Just thought I’d share to see how many of us have had similar experiences.

Yesterday I came up behind a police car which was immediately noteworthy as they were tailgating a Nissan Micra. The Nissan may have been going 1 or 2mph under the limit but nothing drastic. The body language of the Nissan was giving off nervousness and they soon thereafter turned off the road.

The police car continues, I’m behind, into a 60 zone from a 40 and drives at 50 the entire time. Again, whatever, but struck me as strange. At the end of this 60 stretch there is a layby which the police car very suddenly swerves into, indicating at the very last moment. I have to brake quite a bit as to avoid not getting too close behind. I pass and then they rejoin behind another car behind me.

Extremely erratic behaviour, I’m now thinking that something is going to happen but I don’t understand why. Anyways, continue on for about 5 minutes. Lane splits into two coming up to a roundabout and I filter into right lane as I’m turning right at roundabout. Police car takes it’s opportunity to absolutely blast up the right hand lane right behind me. Right up my arse. I turn right at the roundabout onto a dual carriage way and change into the left lane to see if the police car follows me again or is actually responding to something and I’m in the way. They follow me.

Next roundabout I turn right and they turn the lights on as I do so. I stop at the earliest safe place. Happens to be where I was headed anyways, going for a carvery. I park and they block me in. Female officer comes over to the window and I say “Why are you stopping me”. She says one of my side lights is out, but can’t remember which one. We go through all my lights and they are all totally fine. She then says she could write me ticket but she won’t. A ticket for a roadworthy vehicle being driven legally?

That was the end of it. It was the aggressive driving, clearly trying to intimidate myself and the Nissan Micra before which has left an impression on me. I really felt bullied and I felt they were trying to produce some sort of ticket-able offence.

I’ve reported it to the police. Unfortunately don’t have a dashcam. Coincidentally was looking at dashcams before I left to the carvery.


Police driving erratically and clearly trying to intimidate. Pull me over stating side light out but all lights functional. Half threaten a ticket and then leave. Felt they were trying to produce something they could book me for.