107 License Grey Area?

Hey there,

New to drones. I used the search to try and find an answer for this question but didn’t find what I was looking for, so my apologies if this is redundant or not allowed.

I work for a chemical refining company. I hVe volunteered to be the drone pilot for my safety group’s emergency response team. I would essentially be asked to pilot the drone in the event of an emergency to help assess situations, record video, etc.

I would also potentially use this in training materials for my site.

The drone would be used within the confines of my facility, with coast guard notification as we are a controlled site.

While I wouldn’t be getting paid as if I was a business, my normal hourly pay would take effect here and so I would, in a sort of roundabout way, be compensated for the drone use, though not as a business, per-say.

My gut is telling me to get the license, but a corporation as large as mine needs to see justification to pay for the classes as well as my time away from work to get the training.

I just want to make sure of what I NEED to do legally and not ask for something it turns out I don’t need.

Any advice here?