Preparing for possible collapse

So, looking at news, it seems there is some possibility history will repeat. If you look at the economic conditions leading up to the great depression and the policies of Herbert Hoover ( ), it reminds me quite alot of what we have going on today. There also appears to be a housing bubble in the initial stages of bursting. Ok, so maybe we have some economic doom impending. But what to do about it?

If you look at the stock market, after the crash in October 1929, it lost about 90% of its value. But, if you were able to get out ahead of the crash, all you had to do was preserve your capital until mid 1932 and you were really in decent shape, even though it took until 1954 for the DJIA to regain its peak: . So, trying to apply some of those historical lessons to today, say we have a stock market crash this year, perhaps September/October once Trump's tariffs and deportations start to be felt in the economy. What would be a good way to preserve capital I have in the stock market? I'm reluctant to do real estate because it's a pain to transact and I think that bubble is bursting. Not sure if bonds are the way - might be alot of businesses going under. Municipal bonds, perhaps? FDIC insured bank accounts might work, but worried Trump might get rid of the FDIC ( ) and worried inflation might also eat into my capital. Cash is impractical, as are precious metals (not to mention transaction costs). Any ideas? What do the wealthy tend to do to protect their wealth in these sorts of situations?