Best pillow/bed brands?

Alright yall it’s that time again. I’ve convinced myself that buying a new mattress and pillows will fix all my problems!

Do any of you have recommendations for the best bed brands, pillow brands/shapes? Hard mattresses aren’t super comfy for me, and since I know for some mattresses it matters, I’m not a heavy person.

You don’t have to read the next part to give suggestions, I just wanted to add context in case anyone finds it relevant.

The easiest way for me to fall asleep is on my right side, but I subluxed my hip last year and that makes it so sleeping on the right side hurts. I switched to my left side for the most part, but my left shoulder gets forced into a bad position when I do that because the connective tissue on that side is weaker so it doesn’t stay in position anymore, so that hurts. I was laying on my back when both sides didn’t work out but now the top of my back/bottom of my neck area is being weird too so I can’t do that either.

I’ve been using a pregnancy pillow for the last two years because it was doing a very good job of keeping all my stuff in place but that isn’t working anymore. Idk if it’s time to update the pregnancy pillow or try something new. I’m pretty sure I could do with a new mattress, mine isn’t that old but it also isn’t super comfy.

I’m hesitant to get memory foam because in the past that has tended to start dipping very soon after buying it. When that’s broken down and started to sink in, it’s caused hip pain - and that was even before my body decided to deteriorate/the sublux of my hip. However, before it breaks down memory foam has always been my favorite to sleep on.

So does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps a hybrid that’s known for being super high quality and won’t have the breaking down issue? Maybe a good fancy pillow for side sleepers? Literally anything.