I made a huge mistake

Hi everyone, I made a huge mistake. I used to do OMAD (One Meal a Day) with a calorie intake of 700-1000 calories, but eventually, I hit a plateau and couldn’t lose weight anymore. This led to an ongoing binge cycle, and now I’ve gained a lot of weight and can’t control what I eat. I used to fast every day, but now I find it hard to do,my clothes doesn't fit me anymore and I feel helpless. I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel so bad about my body, and I’ve lost my confidence. I feel unattractive, and I can't seem to stop myself from bingeing or fasting. I’ve tried eating mindfully, but it just leads to binging. Starting today, I’m going to focus on not binging and try OMAD again. Thank you for reading i really wanted to vent 🙏🏻.