Maximising battery longevity without ability to cap charge at 80%?
Hi there,
We've just purchased a Jeep Avenger and am very happy with it, with only one negative - there does not seem to be any way to cap charge level at a set percentage.
I'm very familiar with the expectation of charging to no more than 80% in order to ensure the longevity of the battery (having spent plenty of time in a Polestar 2), and to both only charge to 100% when necessary and to not leave it in that state for extended periods.
Our expected usage pattern is mostly short trips of ~15-30km, garaged nightly, with a dedicated mode 3 wall charger @ 7.2kW available. It will occassionally get used for longer trips, but perhaps only 1-2 times per month.
I'm not going to micro-manage how long it's plugged in - once home, it will either be plugged in and left overnight while we sleep, or not plugged in at all.
From a technical perspective, the battery is 54kWh capacity with 51kWh usable.
Given the usage pattern, the headroom on the usable battery charge, and the seeming inability to cap it to 80%...
If I want to maximise the longevity of the battery, what is the better scenario between a) charging overnight to 100% but only if charge has dropped below 60% or so, or b) just charging it every night to 100% (usable) and just not worrying about it?
The battery has an 8 year, 160,000km warranty, so part of me wonders if it's a case of being worried over nothing, but I wanted to ask.
P.S. there may be a way to jury-rig/automate a solution using a smart charger and Home Assistant, but that's a bit of a faff so if it's not a significant concern I just won't worry.
Thanks for any advice.