Hyper-Independence – A Strength or a Shield?
I grew up learning to count on only myself. Life didn’t hand me many safety nets, and the only constants I had were my grandmother and God. She taught me resilience, not by telling me, but by showing me—through every sacrifice, every prayer, and every moment she held things together when no one else did.
Now, as an adult, I carry that same independence like armor. I handle things on my own, rarely ask for help, and move through life with the mindset that if I don’t do it, no one else will. Some call it hyper-independence; I just call it being me.
But lately, I’ve been wondering—when does self-reliance stop being a strength and start becoming a weight? When does “I got this” turn into isolation?
For those who grew up learning to only depend on themselves, how do you balance independence with allowing people in?