Strawberry Supermoon experiences
Did you encounter something huge yesterday night? Has anyone experienced something like: While partying I just started to talk to a friend about all these energetical, spiritual, quantum, whatever your perspective is, and I really went totally off board, I couldn't stop myself from talking LITERALLY what I felt, it almost felt like I wanted this friend to tell me "Damn who the hell are you, you crazy, why you ruinin the mood" Apart from the obvious judgment issue (yep I happen to deal with it) there was something else. As soon as I stopped talking, like after telling about all my experiences, I started crying, cried all night I really feel so embarassed (yes, because, as I navigated through the dimensions, points of views, planes or our "floors", I had to make sure I can always find a way of communication that other people would understand. Telepathy - yes, but words - filtering nets and the listners bend the heads STILL I NEVER UNLOADED ON MY SOULMATES LIKE THIS It didn't only felt like my speech language started to dance from happiness (yay I love authenticity!) but also it was desperate Anyone had experienced something similiar?