Navarra should not be PU-ed upon Iberian Wedding
I've argued this before, and I'll argue it again.
"If Aragon has a PU over Navarra when the Iberian Wedding happens, Navarra should not be PU-ed as well."
It is so annoying (both to the player, as to the AI), that when Castile gets the IW, most of its diplo slots are blocked. With a little luck, Aragon has already reconquered Naples, meaning you have 3 blocked slots. With Portugal, this means you'll have your 4 diplo slots settled. Players will just abandon the PU, but the AI will not.
There are a few comparable cases:
- Austria getting the PU over Hungary; this means Hungary will inherit Croatia (which is bigger than Navarra), so Austria's relations don't overflow.
- Any country getting the Burgundian inheritance; Burgundy not only inherits it's PU's, it also inherits it's vassals (all 4 bigger than Navarra). Pretty neat, otherwise you'd get (at least) 4 new subjects.
Now, to me, there are two possible ways to go about it, neither of which will really have a big impact on the outcome but a big impact on playability.
- Upon the IW firing, Aragon inherits Navarra, the same way Hungary inherits Croatia.
- Upon the IW firing, Navarra is turned into a vassal of Aragon.
- Upon the IW firing, Navarra is turned into a vassal of Castile.
Both of these ways work for me, but the first two are more to my liking.
Now I know I'll get messages that "Castile is strong enough" and "Spain doesn't need a buff", that's true for Austria as well, and in almost 50% of my games, they get both Hungary and Burgundy for free, and if they're lucky they get Moldavia as well.
Edit: I get that it is historically accurate, but in my humble opinion, this is a case where gameplay balance should supersede hirstorical accuracy.
EDIT 2: Just thought of another option: You get them in a PU, but it is inherited upon the (diplomatic) formation of Spain.