Did anyone convert to a different religion after leaving Vaishnavism?

I was born and raised a devotee, primarily in ISKCON in the US. It was a very big and significant part of my life and identity. I lost faith first in ISKCON and then in Vaishnavism in general in my early 20s and was very sad about it.

A few years ago in my late 20s I started going to a Christian church, almost as a joke, because it was so different and new to me. I joked about how exotic and unique the old white Protestants were to me. I ended up stumbling into a group of very welcoming, kind, progressive Christians and found I really liked the teachings of Jesus. I spoke with the pastor about my past and my interest in Christianity but not knowing what to do with that interest. He suggested thinking of Jesus as my guru, and that really resonated with me. He invited me to talk about my past in front of the church and he had the church band sing George Harrison’s “My Sweet Lord” where the whole church sang both the “Hare Krishna” and “Hallelujah” parts. I thought it was pretty cool.

Sometimes I feel very alone as an ex-Hare Krishna semi-Christian in an interfaith marriage with a Muslim.