I recently left Orthodoxy...

I'd appreciate your thoughts on this.

I'm a very recent former Orthodox Jew. I was raised secular and became a baal teshuvah in 2005 as a result of Aish and Chabad.

Leaving Orthodox Judaism meant leaving a belief in a theistic kind of God. Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist also believe in that same God. They just relate differently. So why leave one form of theistic Judaism for another one? At least Orthodoxy makes sense if you believe in God. Lol

I found my way to Humanistic Judaism, which is populated by a mix of Jews who were never religious, former Orthodox as well as Gentiles who are drawn to Jews and our ethics. I haven't met anyone in the movement yet due to Covid, but looking forward to doing so.

My belief system now is pretty much agnostic leaning heavily towards atheism. I relate strongly to Spinoza, Emerson and Paine.

I have also been absorbing tons of Secular Buddhist teachings, which are freaking amazing. I prefer socializing, online for now, with Humanist Jews as we do have that shared culture, humanists in general, atheists and free thinkers.

I have lost all interest in Orthodoxy. The ethnocentricism, Trump cultism, superiority, close mindedness, OCD halachic behavior, worship of the Rebbe, the Ohel, tehillim and random Chabad holidays, including one about the Rebbe winning a court case about Lubavitch books, have pushed me far far away.

I prefer conversations with other intelligent and like minded people.

Writing this on Shabbos is an extra bonus of being recently freed!