Church requesting free volunteer hours over paying employees with disabilities to work at DI (Deseret Industries)

Here’s some next level bullshit for you all. A few weeks ago, my brother who has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) was told that he had reached a term limit at DI and would no longer be able to work there. This morning, I wake up to this email from the stake asking for free volunteer help.

For a little context, DI has an amazing job training program for those in need of experience. This often includes those with disabilities. My brother is in his 30’s and this was his second stint at DI. I’m okay with the idea of progressing past the job program at DI to give others the opportunity; but that isn’t what’s happening here. He worked at a different location, but knowing that the practice of filling work hours with volunteers over people that could actually use the job feels icky.

My brother lost his full-time job.

I am fuming.

Here’s some next level bullshit for you all. A few weeks ago, my brother who has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) was told that he had reached a term limit at DI and would no longer be able to work there. This morning, I wake up to this email from the stake asking for free volunteer help.

For a little context, DI has an amazing job training program for those in need of experience. This often includes those with disabilities. My brother is in his 30’s and this was his second stint at DI. I’m okay with the idea of progressing past the job program at DI to give others the opportunity; but that isn’t what’s happening here. He worked at a different location, but knowing that the practice of filling work hours with volunteers over people that could actually use the job feels icky.

My brother lost his full-time job.

I am fuming.