“We never taught you’d get your own planet”

Someone spouting the same old shit of “that was never doctrine.” Which is HATE because yes it was. This wasn’t just a thing that seminary teachers taught that was there own weird personal belief (though more and more I’m coming to realize those beliefs were also doctrine just from before they hid it from the next generation)

But I threw them quotes from GAs, ensign, Sunday school Manuals, profits. And then suddenly, they stopped replying. And I know that I should just accept it and move on. But damnit I want them to say “wow. You were right. I see that this WAS taught as doctrine” at least give me a “that was him speaking as a man” because I want them to learn that the church today is LYING to them that it was “never a thing”

Same shit with the church doctrine being young earth creationism, I quoted D&C 77 at someone and they responded “that’s not doctrine, it was never taught.” Please at least read the title of the book I’m quoting.

If you going to come into an ExMo space at least have the decency to do even a drop of research into what you are claiming we are lying about.

Edit: u/joe_hovah shared this in the thread but it’s so good I want to highlight it. Please go show them the love they deserve.

“Heck, in 2018 Rusty said this:

