Someone k*lled themselves at my school yesterday. And it was announced during seminary.
(17F, PIMO) I go to a high school thats in the morridor (wont say where because im not leaking my location), and it was announced today in school that a senior killed himself last night. I didn't know him personally, but my condolences are with his family and friends. Technically it was announced during B6, but that was my seminary period. It's pissing me off more than anything, because seminary is the WORST time to announce that someone killed themself. Especially with the warped views that mormonism has on death and stuff like that. You all know what im talking about. I personally feel like they shouldnt have announced it during seminary, but i cant tell anyone else that because only a few people know I don't believe in the church. I know this is short, but I just feel frustrated and pissed off that this was announced during seminary for me and not any other time. Doesn't help that suicide is a sensitive topic for me, and that my seminary teacher asked people in the class if they know anyone who's killed themselves. I just... i just need to let it out somewhere, and this is the only place where I feel like people would understand.