Things are getting interesting.. maybe my TBM to nuanced husband will leave in the next year

My husband got a call from the bishop about tithing declaration since my husband didn’t sign up. I only heard my husbands answers but he pretty much said we were struggling financially and had paid partially. He was pretty agitated on the call. Afterwards he was upset, he said he had never been a “jack” or “bad” Mormon. Especially since he was called Nephi all the time.

What sucks more is that my kids and I haven’t been to church in months. Nobody has checked in on us, we didn’t get invited to the ward Christmas party, and the bishop finally calls just to interrogate my husband on tithing. I’m not fucking surprised.

You know what makes me even more angry? I was the perfect Mormon, all throughout my youth, but I was never accepted. The pain of them not accepting me day after day finally broke me. I’m glad I’m not like all those beige fuckers and I got away and get to live life in color, but it’s like, of course they don’t care when I stop showing up because they never liked me there in the first place. It’s not my fault I looked too sexy to be Mormon 🤷‍♀️ (obviously I’m joking to make myself feel better😂)