“There is only one God” creedal Christian’s say we cannot believe in Jesus
I found this podcast when I was looking for insights and perspectives on the afterlife. The episode was advertised as a Come Follow Me discussion, but ended up being discussion pointing out the differences between our church and the rest of creedal Christianity.
Despite its teachings being incongruent with my personal beliefs, I’m kind of hooked. As a Latter Day Saint in the central Utah bubble, I’ve never had my beliefs questioned so methodically and logically. Ultimately I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true and revealed church because the Holy Ghost has revealed it personally unto me, so there’s really no room for logical doubt. But on the purely logical and linguistic side, I feel like this is an important topic to engage in.
For example, “which commandment is the most important of all? Jesus answered and said, Hear oh Israel, the Lord is One” (Mark 12:28). The host of this podcast argues that this proves that you have to believe in the trinity or else you cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Leaving out the fact that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as two distinct beings, this is also taking the Bible out of context. This story is in all the four gospels, but only in Mark does it proceed “Love God and love your neighbor “ with “God is one.” This means the main point, the most important commandment, is to love god and love your neighbor, not God is one.