Has mormonism stunted me socially?
I was a TBM until about the age of 14. My whole life leading up to that I was surrounded by Mormons. My parents’ friends were Mormons, my friends were Mormons, and the only times I was ever allowed to spend the night away from home was church camps. Therefore , I barely had any exposure to the real world. Then, around the time I started seminary, I began having some major doubts. I decided to look into my doubts and find some answers. It took me about a year to get fully out of it because my mom basically forced me to come to church and would start crying when I didn’t. I was happy I was out of the church though, except for the fact that I lost the majority of my friends. I didn’t know how to socialize with normal people and I definitely gave off weird Mormon homeschooler vibes which didn’t help. I didn’t feel like I fit in anywhere because there were no exmos my age. Because of this, I ended up isolating myself out of fear of embarrassment. To this day I have anxieties around social interactions. I truly think it stems from me leaving the church and never learning how to act in normal society.