Truly Scummy Survey Behavior

I usually avoid surveys, but an EN sent one straightforward for my area of expertise. Turned out disastrously.

I filled out the screening questions - long and overly detailed as usual, but I'm used to that. Pushed over to the main survey, then answered about 30 questions, ~95% of the way through (or so it said). Then received a "sorry you did not qualify for this survey" screen.

I know we feel that the pre-screening questions ask way too much, but this was next level. I've never gotten screened out of a survey while doing it, never mind that far through. What bothered me most is the questions were all sorts of detailed info - average revenue of clients, average size of functions, etc. Exactly the sort of thing these clients should be paying to learn, and they got it for free.

Pissed the absolute shit out of me, to the point I've rejected every single consultation from this EN since. And yet another reminder how ridiculous these surveys are.

Very curious if (a) this is a new strategy by the ENs and/or (b) something others have experienced and/or (c) I'm overreacting