Looking for feedback on your experience between the three: 2.7 vs 3.5 vs 5.0 f150
So here’s the situation. I’ve always wanted a full size truck and out of necessity I needed to purchase a vehicle about a month ago (my 2014 pathfinder was on its last leg). I got a great deal on a Silverado 2.7 and not towing anything ever I thought it was a smart play. To be honest I’m having a lot of buyers remorse. Admitting I’m a bit of a power enthusiast and the 2.7 Silverado Lt lacks it. In addition the transmission is kind of clunky and often lunges a bit when coming to a stop. Having thoughts of abandoning ship. I grew up in a family that always had fords so that was probably where I went wrong in the first place. That’s what I get for trying to be different.
I would love to hear your feedback, experiences, and recommendations between these three trucks. If I do make this move it has to be the last one for a very very very long time or the wife is going to kill me lol. Thanks in advance