Such a great game


I bought factorio 2 years ago and I played around 2000 hours. I played mostly vanilla. My current game has Rampant and some QOL mods.I have another game where I launched more than 20000 rockets. The SPM is about 2500 spm. At this stage, the game play is so different, the problems you’re facing are completly different from the beginning. It’s 100% vanilla with alot of waters and ore patches are rich...

I needed more challenge. I started another game...

I tried once Krastorio/SpaceEx but a mod (k2se-compatibility from memory) became obsolete with an update. I started another playthrough...

All of this to tell you (as you surely already know) that this game is rich, depth, enjoyable, satisfying...

And I didn’t try Bob/Angel or other big mods. Yet...

It’s the best game I ever played.

Recently, someone has givenaway 5 keys and I participated writing as comment “If I win, I'll give back the key and add 2 more.”

Here we are, I’m giving away 2 other keys.It's the way for me to tell to these developers they are doing a very good job and thank them.

You only have to leave a comment. Sunday at 20h00 (New-York time), I’ll choose the people randomly.

I’ll update the post with winners.

Good luck.

Edit:The draw might be a little bit later because I might not be at home at 20h00. It will be done Sunday for sur.

EDIT 2 : Winners

Here's the winners:

I contacted them via chat...

I choose 2 random numbers with
from 1 to 187.

I verified if it was the first comment of user. If yes, he was the winner.

If it was not the first comment (because he replied to someone) I choose another number.
People having left more than one comment have only one "ticket".

Congratulations to the winners!