Guys I'm Gone Off the Hopeium
I'm so excited y'all. I try to be positive in the office season because it's the only time to be positive over the past few years, but right now I'm a 10/10 off the Hopeium. Earlier while working I was wondering, "If we start 3-0 would we be #1 in the power rankings?"
What sent me over the edge was Madden. If it's anywhere near close to realistic holy crap we're good. Probably not Superbowl bound but at least we're a good team.
I try to temper myself by saying we didn't play much during the preseason so we'll probably start slow. That just led me to anticipating us winning how UGA beat Clemson.
I think Pitts is going to be a nightmare with Cousins. I think Drake is going to be a legit #1. We have a good line.
Here's how gone I am.... I don't think us being the #1 seed is crazy. If we can go 2-1 in the first 3 weeks then it's possible.
Is anyone else gone on the Hopeium too or is your Falcons trauma in the way?
Also if we go 3-0 should we be #1 in power rankings?