Teacher help
I’m a teacher and am teaching a fantasy football/basketball class. Math, statistics, web design, etc. we can’t use espn or yahoo websites due to child privacy laws. I’ve built a spreadsheet for the basketball league to run the league completely on its own.
I’ve been wanting to pull in live statistics for each week so students can see their teams performance in real time. Ideally, statistics would be pulled into a sheet and pasted into a range. I’ve heard that an API is the way to do this. Where would I start? I am mainly a science teacher with a bit of coding and sheets knowledge so I’m a bit lost.
Here’s the sheet I’ve built: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10qDiqUWDtfwMeu3F9G753TAPhyPRr6MBg4tBAzFe1pM/edit