A short PSA for basic office etiquette
Now that most of us are back in the office, could we maybe remember how to practice basic etiquette? Current example in my cube farm… guy behind me is having a personal conversation on his cell phone, and the phone is on speaker. I don’t want to hear your conversation, bro…
Yesterday a lady in the row adjacent to mine was almost literally hacking up a lung with her cough. Maybe don’t come in if you’re sick?
EDIT TO SAY: I hear you on the coughing, it’s not always as simple as a sick day. I’ve dealt with sinus infections for years so I get it. But if I’m coughing the way this lady was yesterday, my ass would be going home lol. That’s all I can say. And I’m not sure she’s in today, so hopefully she’s recovering!
yay office life 😫