Microsoft Teams etiquette fouls
I know this is very small potatoes with all that's going on, but maybe this could be a good distraction. I wonder what other people think about a recurring annoyance--and we can make this a thread about Teams fouls in general if you guys have some good stories!
Here's my beef: When I ask someone a question in Teams, I just send one message: "Hey Xx, do you know if Xxx?"
But some people instead will start with a "Hi Xxx" message and wait for me to respond--as if to get me to drop everything and respond with a pointless hello, apparently so I can then watch the typing indicator while they henpeck for two solid minutes to send their actual message. If you can't tell, this drives me apeshit. Just ask your question so it's there when I see the new-message indicator! Why do I need to watch you type?!
Anyone else bugged by this--or other bad behavior in Teams, Jabber, Slack, or whatever chat platform your place uses?