Looking for advice for my wife (36F)

Hello all, I apologize if this isn’t allowed here, I’m posting on behalf of my wife (36F). She is 5’0, we have been together for almost 7 years, married for almost 5.

For as long as we have been married, my wife has had many insecurities related to her looks. Her hair, her style….and a lot of it stems from the fact that she believes her style is too “grandma, boring, bland” and she wants to be able to dress more “fun, trendy” and accurately for her petite size.

We’re going on vacation soon (about three weeks) and we’re seeking advice (she knows I’m posting this, but she doesn’t have her own Reddit account), because I would love her to finally go on a vacation where she is truly happy with the way she looks and has gotten past the insecurities of her style and her size.

I tell her she is, to me, the most beautiful woman in the world, everyday, but I think she won’t see it from my eyes until she feels good about herself.

Thank you in advance.