NY and ferrets
I live in NY state and want to adopt a ferret, however it's law here that they be desexed/descented 🙁 from my understanding, Marshalls has a grasp on the market as they are one of the only breeders that will do this early on.
I've tried looking on Petfinder and a re-home app, as well as craigslist (including parts of PA and OH) to see where might be best to adopt a ferret from, but the struggle is real!
So, is a pet store ferret my only option? Is there a way to go through a breeder out of state and get them altered prior to coming to NY? Is there a license that would allow them to not go through surgery until they are at least 7 months-a year?
Thank you for any help and I can't wait to introduce our baby(ies) whenever we happen to get them!