YoshiP comments on positive reception to dungeon difficulty in Dawntrail

Famitsu released an interview yesterday with Yoshida and Sakaguchi, it's mostly about Fantasian but does include this exchange:

Sakaguchi: Content like dungeons [this expansion] have had a moderate level of challenge to them, it's been very enjoyable.

Yoshida: When it comes to the difficulty of the content, there were some opinions like "isn't this too difficult for casual players?" but that feedback has continued to die down. On the other hand, both in Japan and internationally there's been a lot of feedback that "this much [difficulty] is fun", so I think we'll continue along this path for now.

IMO I already thought the backlash to the new dungeons was getting exagerated for enrage bait purposes but it's good to see YoshiP confirming they're staying the course on the new design for now.