Ever wanted to make a FF-esque poster with your character? Now you can!
Let me start by thanking the folks of the Xaela RP discord, namely Suhk and Sa'ran, for helping me figure out the details, and of course Neneko, the creator of the Gshade preset necessary for this!
Ever wanted a poster with your WoL? Let me share how to do that - it's super easy (and it's possible somebody posted it before, please bonk me if that is the case :'D)!
Ingredients needed:
- A swaggin' WoL
- Gshade (you can find the installation guide on their website)
- A graphic program that can slap the transparent logo onto your screenshot. Here's the link to the logo image
If you've got Gshade all set up, simply take your character (or your character AND your friends for a group snapshot) and take them someplace preferably without a whole lot of other people and objects so you can gpose undisturbed. Once you have a solo/group pose figured out, hop into Gshade, navigate to the Neneko ColorS folder, then to the Final Fantasy Logos subfolder. Pick whichever gradient strikes your fancy (I used the XIV one here, it is XIV after all!). A lot of things will still be coming up in the background unless you're in a very bright area like Mt. Gulg or The Burn, but there's an easy fix that doesn't require you to go anywhere. Scroll down in the Gshade settings and set the Fog so that it covers the background (here's a screenshot of the settings you can copy!).
Alternatively, if you want to have your character to have no floor underneath them, pose them on top of a white stage panel. This furniture piece can be placed in an apartment, no need for a house!
By this point, you're almost done. Save your screenshot using the screenshot key you set up in Gshade (PrtScr will save it without the filter) OR save it into your clipboard using the PrtScr key and paste it directly into an editing program. Crop and edit* the image as you like, then load the logo provided above as a separate layer (or copy paste it as a separate layer), resize/drag it where you want it to be, and ta-da, you're done! Enjoy your own WoL expansion poster.
\Editing is not necessary, the Gpose filter takes care of everything, but you can change the gradient hues, saturation and even resize bits of the image if you feel like it's necessary.*
PS: Here's the before and after images!
PPS: I tried to be as basic as possible, but I've been told before I'm awful at explaining things, so if you're struggling with something, let me know in the comments and I'll try to help. :'D
PPPS: Please feel free to share your WoL posters in the comments, I'd love to see them!
PPPPS: Link to a browser editing software, courtesy of Freedomsbloom: https://www.photopea.com