breastfeeding disaster
I don't know what to do I'm really starting to feel hopeless here.
I'm on thrush medicine which is reducing my milk intake, and I had a breast reduction years ago so that's probably messing stuff up too.
I have the best pump on the market and still getting on average 5 ml per breast per pump with a random 7 to 10 pump once every 1-3 days.
Dude to this baby is currently on formula but I cannot afford to keep buying it.
I've seen two breastfeeding consultants and watched multiple videos online. The thing that I don't understand is why my breasts seem like empty bags of loose skin. It makes it impossible to hand Express cuz I'm just moving skin around.
I'm also taking breastfeeding vitamins and am talking to my doctor about starting a medication but have not done so.
I watch this video from Stanford University, where are you massage breasts for a couple of minutes followed by 5 minutes of machine pumping followed by a couple more minutes of massaging which is Then followed by hand expression for 5 minutes. This is supposed to be proven to increase your milk production but when I hand Express after pumping today for the first time I got zero drops of left breast and two drops of right breast that doesn't really sound good.