Foxhole has a pretty big problem, it cannot function without discord

As much as people hate to admit it here, Foxhole is extremely (large) clan oriented and reliant. Major operations, logi efforts, ship crews and production, builds etc rely on clans. Which makes sense due to the genre it's in, it's a persistent, competitive MMO. The coordination, knowledge, gameplay and ingame efforts they provide are something this game needs to properly function. This is why good ingame coordination and communication tools are needed.

The ingame communication and coordination tools are currently of poor quality, to say the least. There's not even the basic systems that other games have. There's not even an ingame regiment browser. This has caused Discord to be used to plug the many, many gaps. And the fact that Foxhole cannot work without Discord is a sign that a major rework is needed.

Even the various Charlie groups need to use discord to keep things functioning.

Due to character limits, I'll link to a post discussing needed changes and containing reactions from several clan leads/officers from major and influential clans on both sides.