Is there a demonstration in Frederick on Monday 2/17?

Hey y'all, Frederick is my hometown, I grew up here, and I love it 💕 unfortunately, I live 20 minutes away in West Virginia now.

(Respectfully, this is not a political debate. I am asking a question about an event, so please do not try to debate me about politics - I'm not gonna reply)

I've made a few posts on a couple different platforms, simply asking very respectfully if there's a more local demonstration in WV, and let's just say, the West Virginia community has not been very kind or helpful about this, and I've taken down a lot of posts because of unnecessary hate/drama.

Anyway, here I am trying again, in hopes that the Frederick community is a little more understanding and compassionate.

I'm disabled, it's alright and I get around OK, but a trip to DC is a lot for me physically.

If anyone has any information about a demonstration in Frederick, I would love to volunteer, I would love to attend, and if you are not comfortable replying publicly which is very understandable, please feel free to DM me.