Coworker thinks I need to disclose my trans “status” despite passing and being stealth???

So I’ve worked at this job for coming up on a year, been passing and stealth for a while. There is a really high turnover rate here so now only two previous coworkers know I’m trans and they’re both really cool about it, no hesitation using the right pronouns or anything. We had a new guy start about a month ago and I guess he found out that I’m trans and is constantly using she/her, calling me shit like princess, etc. I’ve already talked with boss about it and stuff. Today I caught him in private and called him out on it, I want rude or anything but just asked him why he insists on using she for me. And he was basically like “You should have told me you’re trans” and I explained to him that since I’m constantly passing and am stealth the only people I am obligated to tell that I’m trans are people who I anticipate to be in a sexual relationship with, no one else has a need to know. He’s insistent that I have to tell everyone I’m trans or else I can’t be upset at him. Like, I pass well enough that I’m able to be stealth, I have facial hair, nothing about me says I used to present as a girl. He basically explained that since I don’t disclose that I don’t deserve respect because “respect goes both ways”.

Am I in the wrong here or is he just being a dick? He’s an ass to everyone but this really rubs me the wrong way for some reason and I just want outside opinions