Has anyone else never had a problem with dating?
I’m REALLY hoping this doesn’t come off and arrogant or boasting since I’m genuinely just curious and this is my personal experience, but I’ve never had a problem with dating or getting in a relationship and me being trans has never been a problem for all my relationships. However, this I’ve seen this is not the case for a majority of trans men, or trans people in general. I’ve heard so many horror stories of the (usually) men that a lot of trans men have dated; usually the type of guy that doesn’t like when you start to take T or present more masculine, the type to refer to you as their girlfriend when you’re not around and so on. Just a question: where the fuck are you guys finding these absolute supervillains? I’ve been dating since I came out (about when I was 15, almost 20 now), and me being trans has never stopped me from getting the person I want, and they’ve never been weird to me about my transition or being trans, frankly it’s like it’s not really even a focal point in our relationship. Huge disclaimer though: I’ve only ever dated people who were bisexual (I am also bisexual) or gay so maybe that played a part in it, also 2 out of the 3 cis people that I’ve dated turned out to he nonbinary in some way shape or form (the one trans guy I dated was actually an evil liar). All my relationships have been somewhat good so far, and me being trans has never gotten in the way of anything. Maybe I’m just lucky but where the fuck are you guys finding such awful people lmfao.