It's insane how employment is heavily tied to owning a car and a driver's license
So I am planning on leaving the United States for many, many, MANY reasons. In fact you can check a post I made a long while back about me wanting to leave the country and asking if it was worth it to stay. Ultimately I decided on leaving. I haven't found a good reason for staying yet. I have citizenship through Mexico and an opportunity in Uruguay. So at the very least I have options in leaving. I am also exploring other nations too.
One big thing that heavily influenced my decision was of course the car dependency. One of these factors is how owning a car, hell just owning a driver's license, is tied to work. So many jobs that are completely unrelated to driving require a car or a damn licence. The excuse i often see is that because the United States doesn't have a national ID System, that driver's license serve as a stand in. This is bullshit, because virtually every state offers a non driver's license ID. We have simply become so car brained as a nation that we assume an OPTIONAL way of getting an ID is standard.
Now it's usually clear why. The fucking parasites in corporations and government and so on want an employee they can just unexpectedly call. In a sense, they want you to be at their beck and call. You having a car and a licence is just another way for them to exert control over you. It's also a legal way for them to discriminate against the disabled and those unable/unwilling to drive.
This is also the reason why people can get in deadly and/or fatal "accidents" and still keep their driver's license. If we seriously enforced our driving laws and took away drivers licenses, our country and our economy would collapse. Fucking psychopathic billionaires and politicians ultimately give their blessings for this Nonsense.
Engineering, architecture, virtually all of the trades, office jobs, tech jobs, finance jobs, counseling, business, consulting, and so many other jobs almost always requires a car, if not a driver's license. It makes me wonder how these careers get on in dense pedestrian friendly cities outside of the United States. Are they just perennially stuck in traffic? Also you pretty much have to lie about owning a driver's license, otherwise you are often automatically dismissed as a candidate. Still, some of them take it to the extreme by requiring proof of car ownership and stuff. Like WTF?
What's really scary is how many of these jobs, especially those dealing with road work or on the road jobs, are high in fatalities. Often from others driving cars like a maniac. That's also a big reason why I refuse to drive. I see so many psychopaths driving like homicidal creatures, completely devoid of any sense of safety or responsibility towards the self or others. I constantly see it, and the stroads in my state of Maryland, at least in my county, are filled to the brim with crosses and memorials of people who died for "checks notes" crossing a fucking stroad. And it's getting worse. We literally are one of the few countries where fatalities from cars fucking INCREASED. Like what the fuck?
Ultimately what sparked my desire to post this is because many of the jobs I would have liked to have done it studied for, and considered studying for, often require a car or a driver's license. It's made it a very painful process because while I do see myself enjoying some of the careers, like as a carpenter or a civil engineer, I can't see myself driving.
I don't know. As a side question, if you guys work and don't drive, what careers do you do? I genuinely think driving would finally push me into having high blood pressure.