Is this kind of CHAIN REACTION of nuclear fusion possible to achieve?
The latest news from NIF indicates that they have successfully triggered multiple D-T
capsule nuclear fusion reactions using laser ignition.
I believe that laser inertial confinement is more likely to succeed.
This is because the laser inertial confinement method can more easily scale up ignition power; adding more lasers around the target can achieve higher ignition power.
On the other hand, it is much more challenging to increase ignition power with magnetic confinement.
If these capsules could be arranged in a certain way, igniting a small capsule first and then using its explosion to ignite a larger capsule, and so on, ultimately achieving a pure fusion explosion — essentially creating a kind of chain reaction — it would be possible to harness this method to produce pure fusion explosions.
The energy from these explosions could then be used for power generation. Do you think this kind of CHAIN REACTION is possible to achieve?
Don't misunderstand me. What I mean is to achieve sustainable and clean energy generation by detonating clean hydrogen bombs with controllable explosive yields.