M25 5’9 123lbs(56kg) to 176lbs(80kg) 2 years time
Struggled with eating my whole life basically, I’ve tried bulking before most notably right when covid hit. I managed to reach around 150lbs (68kg), but my training was limited to body weight excersises seeing as all gyms were closed at the time. After that I fell into a depression and lost all the weight again my first pic was pretty much the worst I was at in recent years. I don’t know what drove me specially to get serious about gymming to be honest, but I started going to a gym in early 2023 and decided to start bulking pretty aggressively, I still struggle to this day to get all my food down, but the progress I’ve made so far motivates my daily.
Diet: dirty bulk I’ll eat whatever cheap nonsense I can get my hands on but I try and keep my macros in check using my fitness pal, I average about 3200 calories a day, protein at 180g min, 400g of carbs and 110 grams of fat.
Workout is PPL 6 days a week with added rest days as needed if I feel particularly exhausted I do chest and Tris first day Back and biceps second day Legs and shoulders third day 2 exercises per muscle group, 3 sets of 8-12 reps Repeat twice a week I’ve done quite a few variations of this split but this is what’s worked best so far, and I do basically any exercise I feel like for the given muscle group