What's the best programming language to start out on a gamedev journey?

From my past experiences of learning Python in school, I find myself really enjoying coding / programming and I like doing it as a hobby. From my knowledge, Python is a great way to start programming in general (because it's fairly simple and it covers a big spectrum of aspects), but it's not so great when it comes to game development. However, that's something I've been interested lately. I think I'd really enjoy putting some ideas that I have in mind into an actual game so I want to try out a few engines / languages. But here's the question: Which one is the best one to start with? Unreal Engine? Unity? Something else?

Side note: My laptop is kinda bad (it takes like .5 to 1 full second for the symbols to appear when typing in PyCharm for example) and simply buying a better one isn't in my budget right now. So I'm currently looking for a way to make that happen on mobile, so I'd enjoy if you consider that in your reply.