Games that teach you valuable skills IRL?

EDIT: guys I'm asking for valuable skills, not lessons lol xD

A very straight forward, clear cut example would be "Learn Japanese to Survive!", where you're required to... well... learn Japanese xD

Other less obvious examples would be games like Epistory or The Typing of the Dead, games based around typing words on the keyboard to defeat enemies; it motivates you to touch-type and just type faster in general (I'm a programmer).

Or games like BitBurner, where you have to write optimized automation scripts in order to make money (teaches programming).

Or games like League of Legends, that teach you self-reflection and motivate you to seek therapy.

Or games like Beat Saber, that teach you...... cardio?

I wonder if there are any games that teach you music, or idk, any other skill that you guys can think of? Peace!