HELP! Neglected rosemary THRIVING but favourite one DYING ??
Hey guys! We have two rosemary bushes, one is my boyfriends mother’s bush, and the other is from her funeral (my boyfriend just put it into an empty garden pot and it turned into the great big lush rosemary bush that’s in the pictures).
The one that looks dry and dying (her bush) used to be so lush, full of wonderful bees and I loved using it in all my cooking. It was flowering regularly, and grew so large, until one day my boyfriends dad decided to trim it back down (it was getting a bit hectic). When he trimmed it, it began to look ill - the tips turned brown and it started to wilt, I think we were over watering it, so I stopped doing that. Then he cut it back some more and it just looked so miserable. We thought it needed new soil so about 4 weeks ago they pulled it out, trimmed the roots and then repotted it, and ever since it’s just so so sad and dry. I’ve used Seasol and slow release fertiliser to help it, but it’s just looking so dry. I’ve watered it every day but it’s getting more and more dry. The leaves are so dry they just crumble.
On the contrary, the other bush is the one that barely gets any water let alone attention. My partner and his dad empty their beer, wine, coca-cola bottles into it (along with cigarettes that get put oit in empty beer bottles). It’s just THRIVING, however it’s never flowered. E Does anyone know why the other bush is dying rapidly? Could it be from the trimming / cutting back of the bush? It does get FAR more sunlight than the other bush, but it’s been in the same spot for years and we live in Australia so it’s typically hot through summer and it’s survived 48 degree (118F) sunny days. It only started going dry and dying after it was trimmed and then repotted. Any diagnoses / help / tips would be greatly appreciated because neither of us are gardeners! <3