I'm tired of the erasure of young adulthood
I've seen people expanding adolescence up to 21, or even up to 25. Then I've seen people start middle age at 35, or even some of them start at 25, due of them using 18-25 as their young adulthood range. Honestly, I'm tired of this! Can we stop erasing the young adulthood ffs?
I will turn 25 next year and will identify myself as a young adult. I see 2020s and 2030s as my young adulthood decades. I start middle adulthood at age 40. Being a young adult is the best life stage. You're indepedent, you can start your own career, you can party, you can travel on your own, you can exercise, you're in the peak of your body. It's better than being a teenager or a middle aged adult.
I want to enjoy my young adulthood years in peace. There's nothing wrong with being a young adult.