worried I inhaled dust while cleaning cage

Does everyone wear a mask when cleaning gerbil bedding? Last night, I changed my gerbil bedding/ cleaned the cage, and I'm freaking out that I'm going to catch a disease from inhaling the dust from the bedding. I started coughing a couple hours later,which is when I realized that I forgot to wear a mask while doing the cleaning. I was shaking out handfuls of their old bedding to remove dust and droppings, so that I could put some old bedding back into their tank. Should I be worried? I probably should not have googled, but it mentioned hantavirus which is pretty serious😪 Pic of clean cage and gerbs☺️

Does everyone wear a mask when cleaning gerbil bedding? Last night, I changed my gerbil bedding/ cleaned the cage, and I'm freaking out that I'm going to catch a disease from inhaling the dust from the bedding. I started coughing a couple hours later,which is when I realized that I forgot to wear a mask while doing the cleaning. I was shaking out handfuls of their old bedding to remove dust and droppings, so that I could put some old bedding back into their tank. Should I be worried? I probably should not have googled, but it mentioned hantavirus which is pretty serious😪 Pic of clean cage and gerbs☺️