Nothing could've prepared me for how lonely life can be here
I know this has been discussed many times before, but I always used to underestimate it, thinking that just being a social person and outgoing in the university would be the solution.
But here I am, almost everyone at my department in the university knows me and likes to talk to me, yet I have no one I can call friend, or someone I can talk to when I'm feeling lonely.
I am not sure if studying at a medium-sized university is the problem. Perhaps had I gone to a bigger university I would've met more people who'd be willing to socialize with me beyond the university campus, I don't know anymore.
Over a week has passed and I haven't talked to anyone face-to-face. And it's starting to take a toll on me.
This is more of a rant than anything else, but if anyone here has anything to share please let me know.