The mindvirus holding you back

Read time: 2 mins

You are owed nothing. You are entitled to nothing. You deserve only what you earn — everything else is a gift.

Modern comfort has bred a dangerous mindset: that the world owes you something simply because you exist. This entitlement virus manifests in countless ways: expecting promotions without earning them, demanding respect without giving it, seeking results without work.

When reality doesn't match expectations, resentment follows — creating a generation waiting for handouts instead of seizing opportunities.

The antidote? Radical accountability and genuine gratitude.

Recognize first that your very existence is a gift. How miraculous it is to be alive today, in a world infinitely rich with possibilities. You have the privilege of experiencing everything that life can offer. Anything less than complete gratitude for this is ungratefulness. Yet gratitude doesn't condone complacency — it demands agency. What will you make of the time you've been given?

With gratitude as your foundation, everything else becomes a bonus. Consider someone given their dream job interview. Would they complain about preparation? About the commute? About waiting? Of course not — they recognize the privilege of the opportunity itself. The same principle applies to life: when you truly appreciate the gift of existence, the challenges that come with pursuing your goals become part of the journey, not obstacles to complain about.

Entitlement's greatest danger is how it degrades agency. Believing you deserve something without earning it turns you into a victim of circumstance.

Take stock of where you are. Know that every goal has its price. Accept the cost and embrace the journey, or find peace where you stand. Either choice is valid; entitlement is not.

To your success,