I don’t get it

I’ve been on a few dates the last 2 months and every single person ghosted me. The first guy, we would go up to the mountains at 1-2 am and just sit and talk. I thought things were going really well we would spend the night at each others places and smoke together, and then one day he started flaking on me and eventually ghosted me. I do not do hookups at all, the most I’ve done with him was make out with him in his car. Did I do something wrong??? The next guy took me on an ice skating date, and he seemed super interested in me but after we parted ways I was ghosted. I texted him but got no reply back. The next one, we smoked in his car and I helped him with some French coursework, I painted his nails, and we watched YouTube together until he went home, and I was never spoken to again my texts were left on seen. The most recent guy, we went on a walk together, and laid in my bed and watched memes, he seemed really interested in me, we made out and I told him I don’t sleep with people im not in a relationship with. He said that’s perfectly fine, and it was still fun but after I walked him to his car, I checked my phone and I was blocked. I don’t understand if I’m doing something wrong, I just don’t get it. It’s starting to dig into my self esteem and I don’t know what to do.

TLDR: multiple dates ghosted me and I don’t understand why