You know what, GB is in a good place. (Rant)
So yesterday, the very credible Mat Piscatella was the guest on the morning show. A few weeks ago, Coworker let it slip that GB was seeing “a bit of growth” across the board. Back in December, GB was half of the Gamespot/Fandom VGA pre-show, including shoot interviews and bits with famous people.
In a broken industry where layoffs and closures are rampant, our beloved Giant Bomb seems to, in relative terms, thrive. I’ma have a bit of fun here and try to guess why.
The core engine seems to be : good business. Invest proportionally to revenue, reduce expectations from higher ups. Thanks JERF.
The second important part seems to be : Be a place where the functioning adults want to hang out. GB doesn’t aim for the mobile gaming crowd. Or the young crowd. Barely for the meme crowd. It’s for normal people with moderate-to-high disposable income (that’s an important part too). Having that, which one might call “the best audience in gaming”, is very, very precious to get other functioning adults into the fold, like Mat Piscatella yesterday, Geoff Keighley or the GB at night couch. Thanks Grubb.
The third part seems to be : Do it for the bits. Many (probably the vast majority) of successful online communities are light-hearted. This requires people with comedic abilities. GB is over-achieving here with incredible talent. Like the two previous points, a crowd attracts a crowd, so now we get hot guests on the Dump Truck like Chef Reactions or Adam Cole and even the chat, bombcast emails and Dump Truck voicemails are full of clever and funny contributions. Thanks everyone.
And all that creates a whirlpool where one part feeds another, and the people working there are enjoying it, and the guests come on and enjoy it, and the audience enjoys it and keeps coming back, and it builds upon itself and that may or may not be the elusive “sense of community”.
So you know what? I think GB's doing alllllright.
Thanks for coming to my TedX talk, Jeff from Quebec.