Your boy Inaaace is going to St. Andrew's next month, and it is all absolutely thanks to you guys. Speechlesss.

My boys, my people, my family. I can’t even begin to describe the previous 24 hours and how much you guys have changed my life. I honest to God 100% did not intend to create a GoFundMe because to me nine times out of 10, it’s people taking advantage of willing, kind people like yourselves.

Although I didn’t plan it, after the assistance of literally hundreds of you, I just felt compelled to create a GoFundMe. Unfortunately, according to this sub’s very reasonable Reddit rules, I wasn’t able to post the link but I can tell you that it’s been shared over p.m. hundreds of times and we have now reached more than 200% of the initial goal of $5000. If anyone out there, still interested in a link, please, PM, me through this point, it seems like complete absolute greed on my end since you guys went above and beyond of what I even visualized. You afforded me to live in the luxury of looking at some new clothes for the trip, which is always exciting to me. you have given me excitement and happiness, even before the trip not to mention during it. Fellas, believe me, there were some gloomy days these days, but today for the first time in I don’t know how long I woke up with cancer not being the first thing on my mind. You guys were.

What does that mean? It means that your boy Milos is going to Scotland to play at the Old Course!!! This may be the first time in my life that I use three !’s non-sarcastically. You made this happen, nobody else but you. The best part is that I’m so limited on time as you can imagine I will be going soon and I’m looking at June 7-12 to be in the area playing the links courses and especially the Old Course should I be able to get a teetime.

This is why I need the assistance of my Scottish fellows, who jumped into the thread yesterday with the help around logistics, and especially getting a time at St. Andrews, which I hear is less than easy. For example. Enigma1984 and ChunderSThompson are from the area and offered help with the logistics so I come Asking if you can help in any way with logistics around scheduling. Even advising on what to do in between the rounds would be amazing and of course, sharing a pint would be warming my heart to meet such incredible people.

Anyone else who has any knowledge of packages for St. Andrews? Please let me know. It seems like that’s the route to go with getting the tee times done. My wife will also be emailing St. Andrews today.

I simply cannot believe that I am going to St. Andrews, and I will be walking the bridge and I will be kissing the grass on the 18th. I am in absolute tears writing this because I can’t comprehend that this would ever happen to me and it is exactly you who made it possible. I am intimately, forever and completely indebted to you that I will never be able to repay it, but I will document every single step of my journey as the least I can do for my people here.

Finally, I will be traveling with a Redditor who originally reached out to me to come to play Pinehurst, and since we became friends, and this was his dream to it looks like he will be joining me which is unbelievable. Of course, I will be taking my boys and my wife as well and we might even stay in London for a few days after since she has a lot of family there. If any of you have any advice to chip in, I am all ears.

In the end, I thank you infinitely, as I remain grateful for however long I live and hell, if there is an afterlife I will be grateful there to you, and will be boring all the angels up there with the stories of my trip to St. Andrews.