What's your golf routine?

Here's mine!


-Fill my Nalgeen and two other water bottles half full and pop them in the freezer.

-Charge my golf watch and Aftershocks headphones

-Clubs, push cart, and shoes go in the car. Double check for enough poop bags and balls (try to keep 10 on me)

-Make a smoked chicken based breakfast taco and a PB&J (pro tip is to mix the peanut butter and jelly together before putting it on the bread)

-Lay out my outfit, put my keys, wallet, and headphones in my golf hat and leave them by the toaster.


-Get the kids, dog, and everything else into the car (this takes 2 hours 😅)

-Drop kids at school and head straight for the course.

-Drink my coffee and eat my taco on the way

-Get there, get push cart set up (including dog attached by her leash) and check in

-Hit about 10 warm up balls, chip about 10 times, putt about 10 times

-Walk to the first Tee, proceed to shoot between 90 and 100 😂

-When all is said and done, everything goes back in the car. I go home and shower, prep dinner, and pick up the kids (while scanning weather and tee times for next week â›ŗ🏌ī¸â€â™‚ī¸)