Patrick Reed Story

I saw the Rory Story and figured I'd share my Patrick Reed Story.

First off, I've never liked the guy. He has a punchable face, the cheating, and stories that surround him are just over the top... or so I thought. I went to a LIV tournament with a friend and was on the putting green getting some autographs. I got to meet DJ, Cam Smith, Phil, and other pros who were super down-to-earth and friendly with the fans. They were cracking jokes and signing.

Then out comes Patrick with his Caddy. In front of me there was a little boy screaming "Patrick, Patrick, I am your biggest fan, please sign my hat!" LIttle dude had to be maybe 7-9 years old. Patrick ignored him and the kid kept trying to get his attention (not in an annoying way). After about 10 minutes Patrick calls his caddy over, whispers something in his ear, then the caddy walks over to the fan section. The caddy goes "Guys, Patrick said he will only sign autographs after his round if he does good today. If he has a bad round please don't even ask" He will not sign anything after a bad round.

I already didn't like the guy but this put me over the edge. I don't know why I got so mad, but I did. I screamed out "Patrick Reed Sucks" and followed him a couple of holes to boo him when he was teeing off. What a POS!

The fact that the dude couldn't take 2 seconds to sign a hat for his "#1 fan" is nuts to me. This was the 1 chance the little dude had to meet him and he came out looking like a grade A asshole I hate him and will forever hate him.