Expecting to hear back today, went mad last night

I'm a lot calmer than some of the posters here, and yet I got little to no sleep last night.

The professor who interviewed me last week had mentioned that he'd have a decision ready by today, so I'm expecting a mail anytime. This was the only program I got an interview from.

Well, I woke up like 15 times last night to check my mail, and I kept dreaming that I'd gotten a mail with a decision. A few of them said 'accepted', a few said 'rejected', there was even one where I was browsing gradcafe! What the hell.

Sorry for the pointless story, but it was a bit cathartic for me, typing this down. I hope you all have someone in your lives who you can share this wait with :)

Update : No news yet. Maybe that's a good thing since I've settled down a bit and am better prepared for a rejection.