My Most Efficient Setup Yet

I just started controlling the Enzo with the DMC Gen 4 and I cannot believe everything I’m getting out of this thing on what I consider a pretty small board. I run the Tonex as my amp with channel 1 set to a Dumble on the verge of breakup and I push it with my overdrive and then I have a Sunn Model T hit with a Frantone Peach Fuzz as my channel 2.

I just started controlling the Enzo with the DMC Gen 4 and I cannot believe everything I’m getting out of this thing on what I consider a pretty small board. I run the Tonex as my amp with channel 1 set to a Dumble on the verge of breakup and I push it with my overdrive and then I have a Sunn Model T hit with a Frantone Peach Fuzz as my channel 2.